After all that, you can either save your completed stuff as a project to stay in the DSi memory, as an animated GIF to an SD card, or upload to the Flipnote Hatena website.
The movie reel lets you edit the order and content of the clips in whatever way you want, the camera icon can import clips you've taken with your DSi Camera (you can't import from an SD card used on a computer annoyingly) in glorious greyscale, and the microphone button makes use of the DSi's dulcet-tone-listener to import sounds and music to your works. Once you've finished drawing out your Mona Lisa-beater, the three icons right at the top of the editing menu let you spice things up even more. Holding the L trigger allows you to move your design around the page, either inch-by-inch with the d-pad, or completely freely with the stylus. More options - such as the tracing method that carries a shadow template of what you've drawn over to the next page (moveable with left and right), or copy that just, er, copies it over - can be selected by switching displays. Hitting up on the d-pad switches the editing menu over to the bottom screen to alter the thickness and style of your ink, brush or rubber to whatever you need for your design. The three main functions are draw, paint, and erase all self-explanatory, and toggleable with A. The other path leads you back to our frog friend, who then begins teaching you the basics. Seeing as how the game comes pre-installed with a few clips of its own, watching them before anything else will help you get a feel for what Studio is capable of.
This application (not really a game per se) depends entirely on user input for any real use, and aside from clips made by others that you can trade or download for viewing, there is nothing here for the unimaginative.Ī small frog character acts as your guide for when you first load up the game, and offers you a selection of two paths view stored Flipnotes, or start making your own. In basic terms, you can doodle a regular picture, or on the other end of the spectrum an animated clip is possible. Flipnote Studio is exactly as titled you're given a plain sheet and a wheelbarrow-load of editing tools, and it's up to you what you do with them.